
Monday, February 28, 2011

change (my eng is getting worst die die die...><)

Actually, when things turn into the way you don't want it to be.. it change even faster then you expected..  But after a while.. everything seems to back to where it is from the start.. eventually.. you can't have the same feeling from the beginning.. for what we are today.. after the big change that the "things" made to us.. we are will have a thing set up which were called as "firewall". We know that you will be like this.. and we know that you are like this.. and when we can't accept the way you are right now.. is hard for us to go back to where it is from the start..

Some might have take a good advantage when things change.. and some might have lost or even lose some great things in that person's life.. but when you tell them.. "Hey, things are going back to where it is from the start.." nobody seems to be happy.. For the one that gain good stuff after the changes... they definitely don't even wanted to be back to the place where they had nothing.. but for those who lost or lose their great thing in life.. they still won't be happy after you told them everything is going back to the start... this is because they don't wanted to lose the same thing again.. and they set up a firewall for themselves.. how are they suppose to enjoy?

This is life, all I can say.. we cant control others people's life but we can be able to control our own self life.. some might said.. our life are controlled by god but not us.. yeah.. in a way.. but you can control ur emotions.. how you see things and how you responds to it.. this is all your decision..  not god.. And because of how we react to things like this.. in a way, u change something.. might be a little thing in your life.. but when every little single thing that you had change.. you are changing your life..

For me.. i really hate changes.. haha.. some might be shocked.. why i will said this.. but somehow.. something does appear from nowhere.. and it seems to be staying in my life for long... but when i start to use to it.. it change .. and even disappear...I think this is the reason why i hate changes.. >< maybe because i scared it will be disappear.. >< haizz.. somehow.. i need to accept that this is part of our life too..

It might be sounds like i am very depressed bout it.. but I'll still look forward to it.. ^^ cause somehow the things that change.. although it change till the thing not what I expected it to be.. but it shows.. it tells me who/what is right and who/what is wrong... I learned.. I know.. and I prepared for the next round..

Life is full of changes, which gives us a lot of surprises..
Some might shock you to death.. and some might give you happiness..^^
But no matter what kind of changes the god sent..
I am ready for it.. Won't be afraid.. Won't be panic...
So bring it on.. my heart is still strong.. strong enough to take all the goods and bad...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

'Tonight' , in big bang's 'cafe'.. I realize 'what is right', 'thank you & you' please put ur 'hands up' for the people who wants 'somebody to love' ~~ :P hahaha lol~~ arrr big bang hwaiting ♥

Finally big bang new mini album^^ been waiting for long.. hahaha can't really explain how i love this album.. All the songs inside this album are all my fav type of song^^ hehe although is late for me to post this on my blog^^ haha but I've been listening to this everyday after the album had release^^ 
Lyrics: G-Dragon
Composed by: G-Dragon, D.J Murf, Peejay
Arrangement: D.J Murf, Peejay
Additional Rap written by: T.O.P

Omg never thought of this kind of song will be written by my yong yong.. is like a jazz style song.. most likely... hahaha ^^ but what can i say? is totally nice... especially how top raps in this song.. and the chorus... arr.... love it^^

What is Right
Lyrics: G-Dragon
Composed by: G-Dragon, D.J Murf, Peejay
Arrangement: D.J Murf, Peejay
Additional Rap written by: T.O.P 

Another song that makes me high up with it's rhythm.. What is right and what is wrong.. this line ade stuck in my mind.. and i can't really take it out from me.. how ji yong rap and how top rap really arr... how can i describe this in words? haha^^ love it^^  

Somebody to Love
Lyrics: G-Dragon
Composed by: G-Dragon, Ham Seung Chun, Kang Ook Gin
Arrangement: Ham Seung Chun, Kang Ook Gin
Additional Rap written by: T.O.P

The fan-made vid.. is killing me.. haha^^ how cute my ji yong is.. and how cue the others.. hahaha^^ (seems like i don't see the other member are exits.. lalala) haha^^ but if they really miss out anyone of them... they wont be named as big bang ade..  although the one i love is ji yong^^ but the others are super important^^ haha i want somebody(yong yong) to love.. hehe^^ love it^^

Tonight (Title Track)
Lyrics: G-Dragon
Composed by: G-Dragon, E. Knock
Arrangement: Choi Pil Gang

Finally the tittle track^^ hahaha tonight.. please take me away.. haha^^ a very strong beat music.. haha feels like clubbing tonight~~ but unfortunately.. I don't go clubbing.. hahah^^ but those clubbing/ disco style kind of song... always give me a high spirit.. haha feels like jumping.. and dancing^^ but this song quite tricky.. once i thought it ends.. but actually it is not over^^ haha ji yong always gives surprise :P love it 

Hands Up
Lyrics: G-Dragon
Composed by: G-Dragon, E. Knock
Arrangement: E. Knock
Additional Rap written by: T.O.P

Hey Ho~~ HEY HO ^^ arr... high high high^^ another strong beat song.. haha but in here... tae yang voice grabs me away.. then after is dae sung.. haha^^ seung ri arr~~ melts me.. top... make me high up with his deep voice^^ and ji yong.. now put ur hands up!!!! sure!!! hahaha lol.... crazy woman in the house^^ hahaha

Intro (Thank You & You)
Lyrics: G-Dragon
Composed by: G-Dragon, Choice 37
Arrangement: Choice 37

At last end this all with the intro... hahaha which also name as thank you & you^^ really thank you^^ thank you big bang for coming to Malaysia!!!! on  June 4th they will be held their performance in Stadium Bukit Jalil!!! huhuhuhu... i will be sure i cant go... if i don't have the ticket and transport... T^T dying dying...

But anyways... Big Bang love you all forever~~
♥♥♥♥♥Ji Yong♥♥♥♥♥G-Dragon♥♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, February 22, 2011




虽 然今天的人经常是众所瞩目的焦点,却很少人能真正窥得他们的私人世界,好似他们关头上门进行一些惊天动地的事情,只有在适当的时机才会拉开窗帘让外人引颈 翘望。外人大多只看到他们在做什么,却不了解他们在想什么,或根本不知道他们到底是何方神圣。对他们而言,大方地展现其实是一种障眼法,目的是为了隐藏更 私密的个人世界。 








12 月14日出生的人必须小心,别让与众不同的言行举止和冒险的冲动使自己惹祸上身,尤其要特别预防意外和暴力的产生。虽然很多在这一天出生的人,从小就不被 一般世人所认同,但还是要避免让自己陷入离群索居的状态。酒精和麻醉药品的使用虽然能稍微减轻精神上的痛楚,但是却很容易因为上瘾而变得意志消沉、萎靡不 振。



杜立德(James Doolittle)美国空军将军,二次大战期间伪军攻击日本东京,为航空工程师、特技飞行家,也是壳牌石油的副总裁。 

电视新闻制作人唐休伊特(Don Hewitt),为《六十分钟》的催生者。 

美国影视女星派娣杜克(Patty Duke)。

史派克琼斯(Spike Jones)美国滑稽乐团团主。 

美国诗人克罗奇(Stanley Crouch),作品有《今夜没有救护车给黑人》。也曾担任杂志记者》。

巴西天主无稽教神学家伯夫(Leonardo Boff),穷人的斗士。 









O型射手座的你,如同射向天空的一支箭,性格具有开放且富于适应性,你全身洋溢着南国儿女特有的明朗气氛,即使跟人初次见面,也不会一副拘谨的表 情,你能在短时间内便和别人如老友般融洽相处。原来,射手座的象征就是一支被射出去的箭,这支箭只顾往前飞去,不在乎风雨的阻挡,你爱好自由,态度落落大 方且心胸开朗。你最讨厌被别人束缚,无论如何都梦想自己能任意遨游太空上。因此,你也非常重视别人的自由,你最大的优点便是能设身处地为别人着想,所以你 很少会对别人唠叨,或干涉别人的立场。
O型原本就具有敏捷且实际的行动力,而射手座更是充满了机动性。因此,O型射手座的你,就成了果断型,你本身就拥有极优越的判断力,所以你行动方 向很少会发生错误,最令人惊讶的是,你能比别人的行动快上两倍,甚至三倍。O型射手座的人,无论工作、游乐、恋爱,都很容易表现出热情,你喜欢用尽自己的 精力,热烈地燃烧起来,甚至不管燃烧的程度是否合理,因此,你也许会被看做是个轻佻的人。同时,你也是个反覆无常的人,经常昨天还非常热情的事情,今天已 经完全冷却,转而对其他事情产生兴趣,这是因为射手座具有忽冷忽热的特征,当你热情的时候,就会对别人表示诚实且信赖的态度。若是冷淡的时候,就会佯装成 一副事不关己的态度,你这种若即若离的个性,常把周围的人弄得不知所措。无论你表现的个性是冷是热,你都会保持朴实且天真的态度,这种态度往往能吸引别人 微笑,所以你无理的行为总是会受到宽容,而不会被别人憎恨,这种单纯的性格,对你的人际关系极为有利,但是,由于你的心思过于纯洁,因此,对心术不正的行 为,立刻会爆发激烈的怒意。

O型射手座的你,恋爱比较重视精神方面,属于柏拉图式的恋爱。你恋爱的基本原则便是追求生存方式相同的人,你认为跟所爱的人追求理想,便是实现自 己理想的行动,这种行动才具有充实感而且借着行动的过程更能拉进双方的距离。所以你选择恋爱对象时多半是以性情相近和知识能力相等为主,你不喜欢完全依赖 某一方的关系,更讨厌双方之间出现如胶似漆般密不可分的关系,那将会使你爱好自由的天性受到束缚。
O型射手座的你,无论男女,都不会陶醉在甜言蜜语中。你在表达爱时,有相当的热情,仿佛射出的箭,直向对方的心进攻。在表达自己心意的同时,也不 忘努力使对方产生好感。你谈起恋爱有极端的倾向,或是追求优雅的精神关系,或者追求明朗的玩乐关系,这是因为你尊重对方的立场,同时,又想保有自己的自 由。这里所指的明朗关系,并不是指两个人之间的暧昧关系,而是指一开始就能互相取得自由的确认,而且明确地表现在行动上。一旦分手,即使彼此曾有过海枯石 烂的山盟海誓,也会彻底死心,慧剑斩情丝,分手后便成为一般的普通朋友了。你不喜欢纠缠不清的爱情方式,你即使在热恋中,也举出现浓情蜜意的样子,一旦分 手了,也不会依恋着对方。

O型射手座的你,非常向往自由,一般而言,并不适合结婚或组织家庭,此型的你,无论男女,都不太在意世俗社会观念,所以你并不在意自己到了适婚年 龄,仍然是单身,凡事一切顺其自然。而且,即使是在恋爱之后结婚,不久就会逐渐感觉到家庭是束缚自己行动及精神上的负担,关于此点,O型射手座的你本身十 分了解,所以,不会勉强结合。
由于你在恋爱时爱得天昏地暗,也许一直陶醉在热情的气氛中,所以通常都能迅速地走入结婚礼堂,但是,你生性活泼轻佻,结婚之后,往往会感叹:"结 婚是恋爱的坟墓,所谓家庭无非就是终生的枷锁!"婚后的你,也许并不是理想的丈夫或妻子,你对孤独并不在乎,尽管偶尔也想跟人维持稳定的关系,但是那种被 人束缚的感觉立刻便会让你难以忍受。因此,与其关在家中狭隘的世界,你宁愿抛弃自己的生活世界,总之,你竭尽所能地追求着更充实的美好世界。   由上述的婚姻观看来,O型射手座的你婚后若是对生活缺乏热爱,并没有特别想追求的目标,就会使自己迷失在日常生活里,由于你有容易厌倦人个性,所以无 法忍受平凡的夫妻生活,而喜欢追求新发现的关系,如果稍有不慎,就会变成夜不归营的丈夫或妻子。由于你深切感觉自由的可贵,因此,也不想剥夺配偶的自由, 基于这种观念,你组成的家庭多半是开放型的家庭,尽管如此,追求幸福仍是人类共同的本能。此时,配偶一方最好以坚定的态度来表示自己的意见,千万别存有" 睁一只眼,团一只眼"的观念,那只会更加放纵对方罢了。
虽然你没有家庭观念,经常不爱回家,讨厌做家务事,在你心中仍然具有强烈的责任感及诚实性,即使配偶常埋怨,仍然还是可以保持夫妻间互敬、互谅的 关系。由于你对一成不变的事情感到厌倦,所以夫妻间偶尔的一次小争吵,可以增进双方的感情,夫妻俩人若是有携手并进的共识,相信必能有一个快乐,健康的家 庭生活。

O型射手座的你,天生爱好自由,不愿受人约束,因此,即使在对自身有保障的原则下,你也拒绝成为大公司的一员,你喜欢按照自己的意志行事,况且你 有丰富的创造力,所以最不能忍受重复做同一件工作,而且,你还具有旺盛的精力及向上心,只要做自己想做的事,也许就有可能在短期内名利双收。

从射手座的性格来看,你也许天生注定和钱无缘,甚至没有固定的收入。你不会为了赚钱,而四处劳累奔波,在你的观念里,有钱没钱不重要,只要保持心 情上的愉快就好,这观念对你反而有利,你不但不会为了钱而做出犯罪的行为,甚至会有贵人来相助。但O型对现实利益的重视,使你不至于会做出没有带钱就到处 玩乐的荒唐行径。外表看来,此型的你生活看似很宽裕,但事实上,你不会存钱,也没有任何存款,O型射手座的你是有一分钱就花一分钱的确良类型,尤其是跟人 交往时,无论如何,你宁愿自掏腰包,也不愿别人破费。

Monday, February 21, 2011



有时候我觉得这世界疯了。。是不是有权有势就能独领风骚?就能称霸全球了呢?是不是有了钱真的能成为超人?哈哈。。 但说真的,我看过很多为了钱的人。。他们地说做说为。。


另外呢,我有个亲戚(不好意思,家事就不说那么的详细了。。)因为赌博,欠了人一大笔债。。唯有求朋友和家人帮忙,大家都帮了。。但他还不反省,一而再再而三的犯错。。也急需的像别人掏钱还债。。可是后来大家才发现,其实它只不过那那些钱再赌。。现在,只要他一出现大家都有点不爽。。haizz。。又何必呢? 我虽然爱赌博(小赌。。和家人朋友而已哦^^),但也不至于到这种地步。。

我也称近看过多少男人女人,见钱眼开,拍马屁拍到神这样。。哈哈哈。。可我也遇过有个女生,天天说钱钱钱。。哈哈,但他的人可是好到不得了^^ 同时也有两个女的,天天说我欠她们五百万之类的~~哈哈。。别人在这里听的话,一定以为他们是疯了吗?这样子来敲诈?哈哈可我也陪他们疯^^就这样的小玩笑,我们同时拉近彼此的关系^^


Sunday, February 20, 2011

the same fortunate air....

hahaha at first i really don't know what it means.. hahaha just a blind guess.. is something to do about personal stuff? hahahah
but after purchase the ring that with this line on it.. then only go back and search for the answer.. only i know it is a couple's love line.. hahaha lalalalala :p i don care.. i just feel that it is nice^^

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Love Life






love life^^

the only thing which makes you success is you..
the only thing which defeated you is you yourself too..

by me^^ bobo^^

Friday, February 18, 2011

it all happen in my sem 4

hey hey just realize~~ we start at the beginning of sem 4... and when sem 4 almost ends.. we ends oso..
we knew each other in my sem 3.. but we started in the beginning of my sem 4... and it all ends when my sem 4 ends.. wow.. just a few months.. but feels like a few years~~ lalalalala

the first post after sem 4

3 days din blog ade... hahaha^^ donno is it there is someone waiting for my new post for long leh? or there is nobody will care of this blog leh^^ hahaha but it really doesn't bother me.. cause i know for those who wanted to care they will on here and read everything? hahaha but for those who don't want to read about it no matter how u beg them to go read ur blog they will just ignore.

Yup, learn a lot.. thanks to a guy who hurt me like this.. i know that the peple who care will automatically care.. no need ur mention.. they will straight away bump to you and ask.. "what happen to you recently?" "hi, how are you?" there is a big diff between people who care and people who don't care... haha later i post the differences~~

'breathe in deeply~~' yea~~ i pretty sure now.. although sometimes will think of you.. but hah.. if i tell u i had ade completely forget bout that guy who hurts me... haha u sure said i am cold blooded.. yup.. i admit that i am stupid.. to go to love a person who can hurt me this way... but hey.. he oso got treat me well la.. weather he is treating me well from the bottom of his heart r just pretend to be good to me.. thanks la.. but if you asked me to go back to him... sorry no can't do.. Although i still remember.. but he is all far away from the past...

If you ask me are you ok bout him ar.. how are you ade ar.. okay ade arr?? haha i sure said yup.. or sort of... or even laugh and say yes^^ hahaha mayb this is me gua.. one questioned but with many answer which are all according to my feelings that time period... haha (emo people here~~ lalala)

But some question i can give you a sure answer...
1. "will u go back to him?"  "no"
2. "will u forget him?"  "no"
hahahahaha XD
3. "are you okay, without him?"  "yes~~"
4. "will you sad for him now?"  "no, he doesn't worth for me to cry for him also... if he does.. he won't make me cry.."

^^ that is all folks~ for those who still keep on asking me bout this.. hahaha read here la^^

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Don't know weather you guys got met this situation before?
           Yesterday night i was crying hardly because of something.. hahaha if u are my best friend+ lao po i thinku all know y.. haha no need me to do the explain.. but for those who are not really close to me.. haha sorry no can't tell.. ^^
           btw~~ i was crying hardly yesterday night.. stating from 11:45am till 1am this morning.. but then when i went back to sleep.. i can't help my tears.. it keep on flowing... once i wanted to stop it.. but i give up on it.. just letting it flow.. haha i was totally in pain.. now i know what is heart break.. that kind of feeling.. i think most of the people had it before.. But as for me.. this is the first time i felt it that way.. it really torn me apart.. that feeling i never forget..
           But when i wake up.. my eyes was in the pain now.. suffering..^^ hahaha but then me and my family went for a movie~~^^ hahaha and i saw my darling working at 1u.. as usual... ^^ she asked "Are you ok ar?" and I as usual.. answered those positive words to her.. of course de la... >< i wont show how sad i am rite? ^^
           But one thing is very interesting.. I admit that after that day.. i never be happy at all.. all the fake smile i had in front of people.. and all the fake words i said to them that i said i am ok and bla bla bla~~ but after seeing my darling.. when she asked me that.. what i answered had woke me up from this sadness.. yeah.. really...
           And so i deleted everything.. everything bout u.. except one.. which is u "facebook acc" coz no matter what had happen... i can't forget a person completely... even the one that help me but are completely strangers..  moreover.. this person that i loved before.. i can't
           But if you said if i still love u? the answer is definitely be no..  am i still missing you? No... An i over you? Yes^^ so even though things turns out like this.. I.. will just keep as memory^^ hahaha don't you think i getting back to him.. or still can't over him oh.. ^^ u now dare put his pic all over my place and see.. i wont even feel anything liao.. xp ps ps: although some is nice memory la~~ =.=lll lol~~
           So anyways.. i wake myself up... not you not he not she.. hahaha but me.. hahaha^^ but is nice though..

"No worries la.. i am fine now^^ no way i miss him for half year or 1 year rite.. he not worth it.."
haha.. if he really worth for it.. then he will not be doing that to me rite? it make sense.. and so.. i awake ^^

Sunday, February 13, 2011

My 20th lonely valentine~~

anyways~~ happy valentine to all~~ lol~~ for those who are single~~ happy lonely valentine^^
for those who had a couple.. happy valentine^^

single doesn't meant to be lonely~~ :P still have many people out there~~ hahaha

Friday, February 11, 2011

lol~~~ i am more matured now~~
agree? hahahaha^^

what a full schedule day~~ yiepiee~~ lol =.=

Really de lo... and these are what had happen today..

1. Early in the morning i go to lrt, and there is a man stand next to me and start goyang goyang.. but actually the lrt is running smoothly... but he goyang goyang like can't stand still... =.=

2. Fine, i walk to mamak to have my breakfast ^^ but then there is a guy sit opposite to me.. suddenly his phone rang.. he pick up and the first word he said is "Fuck" then keep on say the Fxxx Fxxx Fxxx... i know is chinese new year no need gong xi Fa"Fxxx" chai so much de..

3. Then went up to av to do my stuff... kean seng and the gang arrived.. I din notice kean seng put in his work that need to be print in my pendrive.. i jio they go makan.. and print.. when we reach kodak.. i look at kean seng.. he look at me and ask.. pendrive? lol.. haha then we went for a trip back to coll for my precious pendrive..

4. Take ade.. go to kodak.. print lo.. printer jam pulak... =.= hahaha^^ but saw lao ban and lao ban liang so tired..>< curse that malay girl xp

5. After that we walk to kfc da pao^^ i go open de door.. but no matter how i push.. or how i pull.. the door wont open..>< then kean seng beh tahan go open the right hand side of the door.. only i know i push the wrong side.. lol~~~

6. we go order.. while i fin my order... su jing go for her order.. surprisingly.. the beautiful cashier put the "counter close, please refer to the next counter" sign... XD my bad luck give to su jing liao :P

7. finally, we sat down and start makan... but then kean seng "chicken" fly~~ @.@!!! hahahahaha omg~~ we laugh like hell..:P

8. Then went for a walk to class and test.. alamak... >< one of the question asked bout christian... lalala call us to choose which is included in christian.. i pick holy mom...>< which is doesn't exits..><

9. Fin test finally~~ hahaha went for mamak again yam cha~~ :P donno y start talk bout ghost story>< alamak>< i share a lot too~~ lalala then share half way.. suddenly at the back got a sales man come and recommend/ sell his product.. i turn back shock and almost jump off the chair..>< lol~~ all laugh like hell.. even the sales man..><

9.5 miss out the light went off in mamak when we started to said ghost story..>< alamak><

10. come back house only know my leg sprain ade>< omg...>< painful...

11. went ut dinner... and three cousin of mine.. keep on fooling around with me.. by calling me popo jie jie~~ botol jie jie~~ bobo jie jie~~ toto jie jie~~ lol~~ but they are extremely cute~~ :P hahahaha

12. Show my vid to my family.. my second sis said me yong sui~~ hahahaha cannot tahan :P lalalala XD mei ar~~ accept la.. this is ur jie~~ :P

like this end of story.. lol~~ ^^

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Should have started to use back english to type my post.... hahahaha... my english sucks.. so do malay.. but i kinda trying my best to "gao dim" these two language.. haha :P

Am i back to normal liao? hahaha i keep on asking myself this question... but i never thought that i will reply some one in that kind of reaction... haha gues i still donno myself well yea.. but anyways, because i never met that situation before.. so it was the first time i do a reaction like dat..>< i don't know how to explain but the only thing i can say is i know myself more..

Is it because that you are gone? And so i started to be cautious on my every move? And i found out a lot of small little things i usually do, i don't even noticed it... more like "epic fail..." but i started not to believe people easily... Because that i trusted you so much.. i hurt more too... you are the first person i ever met who treat me so good and mean.. thanks to you i learned much more than last time..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


乱乱delete post 哈哈哈哈~~paiseh hoh。。 不是我故意的。。 我糊涂罢了。。









1 自大 天天说自己有多聪明,人缘多好,美女一大堆在自己身边绕。。 我靠!!
2 谎言 说得永远不会兑现。。答应人的都不回去做。。
3 夸张 说得天方夜谭酱,听到我都快吐。。
4 花心 今天说我爱你,转过头就在你被跟另一个人说同样的话。。
5 自恋 好心啦。。照照自己的死人样。。他妈的。。靠。。

但当初是我要的。。所以我忍。。你也知道,我不会责问人,问东问西。。就因为我怕这样感情会恶化。。你却利用这一点,说三道四的。。讲到自己很对酱。。难道你没有良心责备吗?当他告诉你我知道了所有的事。。你只是冷静地说。“bobo她一定恨死我了。。” 一点想挽回的意思都没有。。那当然咯。。因为你的心都不在了吗。。这是理所当然的咯。。好心啦。。既然都不在,那就在你的心不在的那一刻和我分吧?竟然要我在事发过了那么久才让我知道,那事发过后你一点罪恶感也没有?还和我像平时一样的打情骂俏。。我靠。。。问题时还要是我在她的身上知道这件事,我对着墙壁破口大骂了一顿。。然后装作冷静的和你分手。。为什么要我来说分手?而不是你?这样你会好过?难道这样我会好过?


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

放心吧! 我不会再打扰你了、因为我没有理由


而是记忆! 美好的回忆,
by 愛、文章

Monday, February 7, 2011

pool or snooker what ever...>< i want to play...

argh~~~ i wan play snooker and pool~~ >< did i mentioned i am obsessed with it? argh... who want to play this thing with me? or pk oso can.. although i am a newbie though~~ lalalala :P hahaha but as for this.. i can list it as my hobby... lol... or interest.. hahaha :P i want seriously..><

Sunday, February 6, 2011

new life new things new everything new~~

Haiyo... what the heck is going on? somehow i feel lonely..>< alamak... haizz.. who called me turn on that stupid "love engine" now i am all alone.. kinda lonely leh...>< haiyo... don't know what to do..
Haiyo...>< books... save me please... >< these days kinda hard for me to focus on my work... i can even sleep when i open my fav book to read.. gosh...>< help... somebody knock my head please... i need to.. seriously need to wake up><
hahaha school open day... nooo... exam week and assessment week...>< work.. still a lot of them...>< argh.. and i still playing sdo.. blek :P lalalala~~ i can't help it la.. don't know what to do... i know i should stick my head on my work.. but how? sdo program is just next to my work file...>< alamak...
Don't know y.. i felt something strange here... of course.. there is a big stupid head watching me typing, how am i suppose to be natural? ah qing ar... siam la.. know u still looking at it.. and hit me.. >< pain de leh.. u know dat? huhuhuhhuhuu..... anyways.... is super awkward for a person to stare at what u are typing now.. so tata... next time blogging again..>< hahaha love you^^ muackss~~ don't stalk me la~~ :P
ps: anyways still.. lalalalalala~~ finally u are out of my world~~ :P  see how i fly without you^^
 from: bobo i am superwoman~~ lalalala <3<3

I should have learn to be angry at a person.. u are nothing but bullshit to me..

             just not to let people think that i am talking bout them... the person i should be angry of is the person that hurts me badly.. and i still said thank you to them... i was trying to be kind.. but useless.. u.. i never met a person like this before.. in front of you he can said everything nice.. but behinds u he can make story to back stab at you and make he looks kind and nice..i had enough.. is a wise choice for me to end all those stupid thing with you.. should have forgot you.. i should have..
              stupid me.. i still missing you after i broke with you... thought u will be at least sad for a bit.. hah.. i guess i am wrong.. Micheal and steffany said it right.. u are nothing but bullshit.. describe u in a good way is that u don't know how to handle love or u are new in these things.... in a bad way is that u are a totally asshole who just try to play the jerk in this situation.. once the person knows the true u.. u will just leave slowly and target a new one..
               Yup thanks to you.. i am much more wiser... and much more clearer..

               you sure said i am cruel.. after reading this.. i am fine with it.. cause yes.. i am.. and this is wat u teach me to be.... 你做初一,我做十五罢了。。


Thursday, February 3, 2011

To: suh mei

thanks for everything u gave to me... time, friendship, care... everything..

haiyo... donno what tot type... but really, thanks for the thing you had give me.. and i am kinda bad to you also.. at first i don't really like you... but after that day... i regret ade... really... i never felt that bad before.. is you the one ho make me realized that i am that awful at the first place..

Really sorry for my bad attitude.. ithink u are not the first one who let me treat like this before.. guess that i am not a good person.... but really sorry...>< sorry for my careless, sorry for everything i did wrong to you.. but in the mean time, thank you... Thanks for your kindness... which makes e felt warm... thanks for your sweetness which makes me smile~~ :P thanks for your care which makes me melt^^ lol.. <<< something sounds wrong...>< hahaha :P but anyway... i really like you and love you << as a friend^^

Thank you for everything.. and please take care k.. ^^ love yea.... my second lao po in coll^^ hehehe

To: Ye ying



Tuesday, February 1, 2011




           曾经有人说,像秋天的女人是最好的。呵呵,没夸自己的意思。。但我也这么觉得。。呵呵,好像在夸着自己~~psps~~ 像秋天的女人,即坚强,由柔弱;既温暖,有刚烈;用他们那细细的声音提醒别人要小心,要照顾好自己。时不时都能看到她的感伤,好像是在担心些什么,好像在对什么事而伤感。。

            有人说若是遇到了像秋天的女生,请留住她。。她们经历的,经过的,是你无法想象的。。所以我是吗?哈哈哈~~自己觉得蛮像的。。但因该没有吧~~想东想西的~~lalala XD


             又看过鱼睡觉吗?一定没有,因为人们都不知道当时开着眼睛的遇到地实行着还是睡了。。那么鱼它不动就是睡了啊~~你又怎么知道呢?可能它累了想休息一下~~也很可能她在等另一只鱼呢~~鱼是不会闭起眼睛的,可鱼是要睡觉的~~ 那它是几时几点睡觉的呢?那我也回答不了~~ 人们包括我在内都看表面,其实里头的玄机就只有当事人懂了。。我是时候学学多听别人的东西~~多听听当事人的心声,而不是听别人的流言蜚语~~但真的能做到吗?呵呵,我都不懂~~


                我和你的遇见是在秋天,在没有四季的国家里的秋天认识的。。事缘份?拉我们一起?还是甜的一个玩笑。。当时我们是为了爱情点头说要到永远,怎么现在这句话却说给了另一个人听了?是承诺?还是玩笑?秋天,是我的最爱,也是我的要害。。我怕冷,怕。。真的怕。。但又喜欢,哈哈~还满犯贱的~~ 我这女人,是时候该醒醒吧。。

                家人,朋友都是我的支柱,但我又偏偏不是很会对人好。。不知怎么对人才算好。。不知我这样子做会不会伤害了人。。有时沉默,但却又好想好想,真的好想想三八的诉说~~ 有时我能,但最后就胡思乱想了。。我会不会很长气啊?我会不会很讨厌啊?对不起,若我伤害了你。。对不起若我忽略了你。。对不起,若我背叛了你。。对不起,若我让你讨厌~~ 还是爱你们的。。